Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Bumblefudge Legacy: Generation 2: Chapter 3

Welcome back!

In the Sims 3, sims who don't leave the lot for a few days can go stir crazy, a negative moodlet that lasts until you get around to making them leave the lot for a couple of hours. I don't really like this way the game forces you to make use of community lots, but I guess at least I don't have to put up with loading times in this version. It could be worse. If your Sim has a job, going to work counts as leaving the lot and puts off stir craziness.

Anyhoo, wurwolf and Andrea are both unemployed and have both gone stir crazy at the same time. I decided it's time for some mother-daughter-in-law bonding.

So here they are at the spa. You can't see them, because this is one of those rabbit hole buildings that you can't follow your Sims inside. Rest assured, though, somewhere in that building they are both getting massages.

Ah. Here they are. I don't remember what I was planning to have wurwolf say here, but you can rest assured that it was probably condescending and rude. By the end of the conversation, they've both decided to go visit the graveyard.

This picture sums up wurwolf's and Andrea's mindsets, pretty much.

"Let me tell you, Andrea, you gotta be tough to live in today's world."

"I'm tough, Mom."

"No you aren't. You're as soft and delicate as a marshmallow. And you're shaped like one, too."

"I am not! I lost 150 lbs!"

"Yes, I'm sure you did, dear. No, what I'm saying is we need to toughen you up, and that's why I brought you here to-- uh... Say, what time is it?"

"I don't know. Eveningish. Why?"

"Damn. I forgot what day it was."

"It's my goddamned birthday."

This is such a depressing picture. Just look at that.

Even Andrea is uncomfortable with this development.

"You wanna go home now, Mom?"

"No way, Softie. You think I'm going to let a little thing like aging 30 years in 30 seconds stop me from making a woman out of you?"


"What we have here is a frightening bear-infested haunted tomb. I used to explore this thing all the time when I was your age, and let me tell you, it's fucking terrifying."

"I don't think I like this--"

"You and I are going in there right now. And whoever last there the longest and gets the best loot wins."

"Mom, we don't have to--"

"Get walking."

"Move aside, Wide Load."

So down the women go. And many hours pass.

Here's the loot rundown. wurwolf got herself a Llama Rights, whatever the hell that is, but Andrea got a Llama Rights AND a garden gnome. Bad luck, wurwolf!

As for who stayed down the longest...

"It's ok, Dear, you can stop crying. It's all over now-- Where is she? ...Oh, damn."

"Oh hi, Mom, the bears chased you out first, huh?"

"Andrea! You slowpoke! I've been waiting for hours! Welp, I beat you out here, so I guess that makes me the winner."


"Oh, I see what happened to you. Grabbing that extra gnome probably slowed you way down. Rookie mistake, you greedy girl."



"*sigh* Nothing."

wurwolf wasn't the only one who had a birthday today. Little Hero grew up into a child, completely unnoticed and uncommented upon by his mother.

"Better get used to it, Kid."


Ah! The explosion twins are back. I'm sending them both to the shower, toot sweet.

Poor wurwolf. There are no good sexy dresses for elder Sims. Or even any tacky sleezy ones. This was the best I could do for her in terms of giving her a makeover that showed a little leg. *sigh*

Turns out the Llama Rights is a book. I don't know if there's anything special about it. I guess I'll make wurwolf read it and see if anything happens.

These ghosts are starting to wear out their welcome.

Tandem gardening! Makes things go much faster!

Tandem sprinklering! Just as pointless as solo sprinkler play.

Oh, finally. I was starting to wonder if Andrea was barren.

Heh. Andrea has absolutely no interest in any supernatural shenanigans, and refuses to even acknowledge spectral hijinks that occur in her presence.

True to real life, the older wurwolf's kids get, the more she likes them. Now that Hero isn't a whining crying shitting little baby, wurwolf can stand to be in his presence, and even helps him with his homework. Also, Hero doesn't hate her, so this relationship isn't a lost cause like wurwolf's and BOG's.

That's it for this update! Catch you next time!

Take care.


Tork said...

Poor little Hero. He wanted some salad too.

Rimmi said...

I like the idea of acquiring books. I wonder if it's like in Neopets where they gain knowledge the more they read. Like Llama Rights gives them some awesome llama knowledge.

I'd love to see inside the tomb because I love super spooky type things like that. I call fraud. At least in the first Sims game you got to go to the Magic Land or whatever it was called.

Tork said...

The fact that you can't go into the spa building seems like a ripoff. The first game let you go to theme parks and beaches for vacations. I was never good at those (I seem to just waste lots of money and energy and was forced to leave quickly) but at least you got to try new stuff.

Lita said...

Hero got some salad! Didn't you see the empty plate in front of him?

Some books help you gain skills (as with other Sims games), and some teach you recipes and songs, and some are just to read. I don't know what, if anything, the Llama Rights book does yet.

I get why they didn't show you the inside of the tomb because it would be a lot of work to render all the crazy stuff that goes on in there. Not showing you the inside of the spa or the hospital or the various shops, though? That's bullshit. Hopefully a future expansion will allow us to see what goes on in there.

wurwolf said...




I aged. SO BADLY. I aged!

/me cries