Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Bumblefudge Legacy: Generation 2: Chapter 6

Welcome back! Let's do this!

Well that is really shocking. Everybody raise your hand if you're surprised Angie couldn't keep a boyfriend.


What, nobody?

I think Katie Roy might have some problems.

In other news, Andrea is pregnant again! The Spare is on his or her way!

Andrea and BOG are both hoping for a girl this time.

Money, that's what I want.
Money, that's what is hot.
Money, that's what I want.
Money, it's what we ain't got,
'Cept freedom, freedom, freedom's what we've really sought!

Time for the spare! Andrea and BOG rush to the hospital, but that's boring, so let's cut to them rushing back home!

Not a girl this time. It's a little boy that we've named Alastair. BOG already wants to try for a third. I think he wants to keep going until he gets a daughter. He's more into baby making than any other Sim I've had in this game so far, and he doesn't even have the "I want a huge obnoxious family" trait.

We only have one crib and one kid bed. There isn't room for another of either in this room. This arrangement is not going to work out for long. As it is, Toddler Onil is not going to get to go back to his crib again. He'll have to stay awake until he ages up.

Andrea, this is not good parenting.

Worse yet, she's stuck there. I can't get her to move or do anything. Her moods are starting to tank because she can't take care of her needs and Alastair is crying. *sigh*


Time to drag a baby around.

Drag, drag, drag... just drag the baby a little farther...

That's better. Now go put him in his crib, Andrea!

Alastair is getting all kinds of attention and Onil is jealous. That's the "I'm lonely" symbol over his head. Onil, you shouldn't want to talk to these people. Whenever you do, they dress you like a girl.

Anyway, it's birthday time.

Only five years old, and already Onil is a huge disappointment to his ultra artistic painter/musician father.

Nobody cares about that, though. What's tops on my mind is that the family has outgrown their nursery. I think the kids need a nice big room of their own. Time to build access to that basement everybody forgot I built at the beginning of the Legacy.

I had to sell off a lot of wurwolf's inventory to do this. Mostly it was veggies, but there were some gold ingots in there. It is a strange world where you can sell a pile of onions for the same as you can get for 10 gold ingots.

The decor looks a bit sterile, but that's ok. That's what the palette tool was made for.

Much better. Still not the prettiest room ever, but that's not really important. It's just a hole for the kids to sleep in, after all.

I keep forgetting that these two aren't brothers. Hero is Onil's uncle! Keeping the generations straight in this house is getting confusing for me.

BOG gets a chance to pick what kind of music he wants to specialize in. I choose rock music for him.

In other news, Pedostache Portrait is back.

Onil, what happened? We even potty trained you as a child.

Oh well. We'll look the other way. Accidents happen.

wurwolf is getting stir crazy again, so I send her out on a quest she hasn't undertaken since she was young. Rock hunting!

Angie is an old maid.

wurwolf never married, so I guess technically she is one too?

BOG's birthday! Mostly uneventful, except the game gave him his Fabio hair back.

Andrea's birthday is the same day, but I didn't take a picture of that.

It was mostly uneventful, except she got her old beehive back.

I'll get around to changing their hair in the next day or so.

wurwolf returns from her rock hunting adventure in formal wear for some reason.

Onil... One time is an innocent accident, but twice in twenty four hours indicates you might have some kind of problem.

Also I forgot to put a railing around that staircase hole. That can't be safe. Good thing Sims are surefooted as billygoats (except when they're on a treadmill).

I... Oh dear. I'm starting to think we may need to enroll Onil in a special day class.


Tork said...

Wow, can't stand art. That's definitely a defining feature that'll help him get far in life.

wurwolf said...

The can't stand art feature isn't like RL Onil, but the piddling and the lying around like a retard sure is.

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Anonymous said...; You saved my day again.