Friday, March 9, 2007

Mickey Watch: Mar. 7

I was in front of my computer all morning when I saw the latest pack of lies from the biggest crook of them all, MickeyTheLiar. His latest sack of B.S. that he wants to feed to his Dumbeners was posted. I immediately logged on to my blog to express my outrage at this jerk.

In his latest propaganda piece for Mr. Pants (aka, John Pukes (Because he makes be barf!)), Mickey once again brings up the long ago debunked story of the history of pants. He even smears my website, which will continually bring to light the lies that he's sewed in his garden of deceit.

Look at GardenLIE number one:

Now the president back then was John Pants. He was tired of the cows. So he says, Punch them all in the eyes. How do you think they got those black eyes? Oh sure, tons of animal rights groups complained. But it's better this way.

If Pukes was so tired of cows, then why did he own stock in CowCo? And note how FalsekeyTheGardener conveeeeeniently leaves out the investigation about the animal abuse. I tell you, people like Pukes and MickeyLIEGardener are always doing stuff like this!!!

My hatred for Mickey knows no bounds when he introduces the next set of spin.

So I said, yeah. What the hell are pants? He said, I don't know, just invent them. And I said, okay. Never turn down the request of 2678 pound man.

In Mickey's grand jury testimony, he said that he said "All right!" Ha! Gotcha there, you son of a @^($*%!

I would dissect the rest of this but there's no need. We all know by now that whatever MickLIE types is garbage. And I will continue to slowly wake people up to the madness of this evil man and his cronies. (Hey, is Waldo still hiding? Don't make me scoff more!)

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