Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Harry Potter Spoilers!

You heard them here first!


Lucius Malfoy kills Draco Malfoy
Lee Jordon kills Neville Longbottom
Zombie Serius Black rekills Zombie Dumbledore
Severus Snape commits suicide somehow
Ron Weasley kills The Dursleys
There's a flashback of when Bellatrix Lestrange kills Serius Black
Angelina Johnson kills Hermione Granger
Minerva McGonagall kills Peter Pettigrew
The zombie Dursleys kill Molly Weasley
Minerva McGonagall kills Angelina Johnson
Remus Lupin kills Bill Weasley
Ginevra Molly Weasley kills Charlie Weasley
Luna Lovegood kills zombie Molly Weasley
Minerva McGonagall kills zombie Charlie Weasley
Angelina Johnson unkills Moaning Myrtle
Zombie Snape kills Rita Skeeter

That's just the first half of the book!

These spoilers were all made up by a random number generator and a list of characters.

1 comment:

wurwolf said...

Zombie Serius Black rekills Zombie Dumbledore?!?! Sweet! ZOMBIE FIGHT!!!