Sunday, July 15, 2007

Music Video #14, for real

Ok, so I didn't mention it earlier but this video has Black Jack. Now I'm sure my friends are fans but I can't take him seriously. I saw a commercial about some global warming "awareness" special for some crappy cable network and it just rubbed me the wrong way. Plus, the only movie I've seen him in is Cable Guy, which doesn't help.

The video is about some fat guy and Jack Black going into a booth to record a tribute to the greatest song ever, which they sung to beat the devil. The song is easy to follow. The devil is the goatman variety. Tenacious D and Jack Black rock out and defeat Satan, even when Satan fights back with his guitar. Back at the booth, the guys burst out and attack some people walking by. Some old lady is the devil, for no reason.

The song reminds me of The Devil Went Down To Georgia as it starts. It's probably intentional.

According to Black, the devil has an annoying voice. Doesn't that make it hard for him to trick people with his lies?

Anyway, good song, even if it's not the greatest. The video could have used less Jack Black.

By the way, I'll admit that I was expecting someone not fat and not white when I saw the words Tenacious D. I guess I've learned a big lesson today. Never judge a person by the color of their name. Or something.

(Side note: I have a horrible memory, but I think I remember Lita mentioning that one of their songs almost made her die the first time she heard it because it was so filthy. Do I have the right band?)


The Mickey said...

Of course Tribute isn't the best song in the world. They say it right in the lyrics!

The best song in the world (At least according to the D) is Stairway to Heaven.

Well it was, but in Post Crisis continuity, it's Beezleboss: The Final Showdown" from the movie. Which I'm totally cool withm because Stairway isn't all that BBTFS rocks.

The devil in the video and the movie is played by Dave Grohl. If you knew anything, that'd mean something to you.

Ben Stiller's in the video for a second. It's the saddest, most pathetic cameo ever.

Lita said...

Why would you try to take Jack Black seriously? He's a comedian.

I'd have told you about the Dave Grohl thing, but Mcieky said it already. Also, that wasn't THE DEVIL. It was a shiny demon. Shiny demons are allowed to look ugly.

Also, I don't believe I ever claimed to be near death because of the filthiness of that one song, but I did have to stop unloading the dishwasher for a minute and lean against the door frame and giggle. Here is the COMPLETELY NOT WORK SAFE video for that song, if you are interested: