Sunday, July 22, 2007

Music Video #22

Today's video is also about Matthew Good Band. It's called Rico and it was so special that Lita had to email me the video. So no link today. Go find it yourself. It's four minutes long if you're curious.

At first I was wondering if I had gotten the same video as yesterday by mistake. The video starts with the janitor guy from the last video, and suddenly Apparitions plays in the background. But that's just a joke, as it's just playing on the radio of the red car that just pulled up. It's turned off as janitor guy gets out of his car. I've had a matchbox that looked like that car. Just saying.

Janitor guy who is actually Matt Good walks by a line waiting to go inside a building to some party. He's allowed in, which annoys the brunette from yesterday's video. I think it's the same brunette. I'll just pretend they're the same and move on. The song is faster and more upbeat than Apparitions. Brunette looks OUTRAGED!

Song starts. Rico was a shorty who wanted a woman with long hair. Rico wants a boring life with his honey. However, his woman will probably run away from him. With a parrot. Poor dope. The singer is his own man, though. Take it or leave it.

The rest of the video is about Matt walking around the party which is shot in a blue color with a camera that can be pushed from left to right whenever someone new enters. For example, the annoyed brunette helpfully lip syncs the refrain. There are all kinds of attractive women sitting in booths, some with some guys. A trio of blondes took notice of Matt Good. When brunette is walking around, many loanly guys stare at her with their mouths wide open. Because they're guys, you know.

Suddenly the brunette is waving wads of dollars around. And there's a lot more booths around the place, like this was more of a nightclub. Some gothy looking brunette enters. She sits down at a table and quickly gets to drinking. But that doesn't matter suddenly we cut to everyone crowding behind the brunette, laughing it up. That is until someone off camera pushes her. She becomes OUTRAGED again and punched the off camera person. It's Matt Good! More like Matt Jerk! Suddenly everyone is fighting! This is awesome! All we need are a few pies. Some blonde walks up to a bald guy to splash alcohol in his face. Brunette is now bragging about her wads of cash while everyone else is fighting around her. Depressed gothish babe throws a couple guys out. The video ends the same way it started, only with brunette and Matt Good switched.

You know, brunette is a bit too skinny.

The awesome thing about this video, besides the random poinless violence, is the mention of the vespa. Lita should like them because she thinks mopeds are cute. (Motor scooter, motor bike? Same thing!)

Good song. I like it more then Apparitions.


Lita said...

I am stunned at your ability to mistake a long-haired brunette for a short-haired redhead. Then again, you think you're a blond.

"Brunette" (the woman in the red dress with red hair) is not the same woman from yesterday's video.

"Goth Brunette" is. And she's not goth. She's a call girl who just watched her client shoot himself.

Matthew Good Band were (maybe still are, I don't know) big in Canada. I discovered them because I watched a lot of Much Music (the Canadian music video channel) back in the late 90's on account of they were pretty much the only ones who actually played music videos.

MGB never really broke into the US music market, and that's a shame. They're really good, for one thing, and their music is hard to find in the US. I got two of their albums by trading tapes with a Canadian MSTie.

Every now and then I feel the need to listen to some dark and angsty late 90's rock, and when that happens Matthew Good Band really hits the spot. They're still in my A Rotation, even 7-10 years later.

If there were only a few more days in the month you'd definitely be getting a third MGB video. Load Me Up is one of my favorites.

Anyway, you seem to be having trouble with the Matthew Good Band videos, so I'll give you an easier one this time.

I would ask you to try to count all the awesome things in the next video, but I don't think you can count that high.


Faith said...
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wurwolf said...

For some reason, this line cracked me up: "More like Matt Jerk!"