Thursday, July 5, 2007

Music Video #5

Today's video is called Radiohead and is done by a band named Creep. Four minutes of creepiness.

It can be found here at

Ok, just watched it. It seems that I got that backwards. "Creep" is the name of the song.

Anyway, the music video is nothing special. Just a band singing the song. The only notable thing that happens is when the refrain starts and there's a noticible cracking sound as the lights flash, as if lightning is striking.

By the way, there's something really familiar about this song.

Ok, thanks to youtube, I can cheat a little by looking for another music video. And my suspicions are confirmed. Radiohead had a washed out colors look and a crowd just gloomily nodding to the sad song. Somewhat like Smells Like Teen Spirit. This is grunge, baby! Or something similar. The lyrics I heard definitely had the "song to cut your wrists to" vibe to them.

Ok, so after listening to some of the lyrics closely, the singer is wishing that he wasn't a creep and sarcastically telling someone else how special he or she is. Singer is such a creep that he feels he doesn't belong here. Yeah, get off the stage and go back to your job at Wendy's!

The guy to the left has a feminine haircut. Or looks feminine because of his haircut. Just thought I poin that out.

I don't understand why people listen to depressing songs. If you're sad or depressed, why wallow in it? This kind of song just doesn't appeal to me.

The awesome thing about this song is that this music movement died and that I'm no longer a teen.

1 comment:

Lita said...

I happen to like my music dark from time to time, so you better get used to it. I didn't go out of my way to line up a bunch of sad or moody songs in the list, but there are some in there because that's what I listen to.

As for WHY anybody would ever want to listen to that stuff, I've got a long-winded explanation coming right up:

If you're sad and you find a song that perfectly expresses the sadness you're feeling, it makes you feel better. You discover that there's somebody else out there who knows how you feel. You're not the only one who's ever gone through this. In a way, it's like the artist dropped by your pity party and the two of you are working through it together. That is not a bad feeling, and it's why sad people often hole up in their rooms with their sad music.

Me? I'm generally a happy person. My life isn't perfect, but I don't generally dwell on circumstances or let them get me down. I still like sad, dark, and depressing music from time to time.

And why would a perfectly happy person enjoy listening to sad music?

Why would happy people enjoy watching sad movies? Why would they enjoy watching tragic plays or dances? Why would they want to read or listen to sad stories? Happy people have been opting for depressing entertainment for a loooooooong time. It's actually related to our reasons for watching scary movies.

An anthropology professor of mine explained it this way:

People are designed to go through a range of emotions, even the unpleasant ones. If you don't ever express sadness or anger or fright, then you won't grow up to be a healthy well-rounded individual. Sad songs (or movies or books or what-have-you) provide a safe outlet for otherwise happy people to vent these emotions and to empathize with the people in the story.

In short: I'm probably a happier person because I listen to sad music on occasion. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.

You don't listen to sad music ever. Hmmmmm.... :op

(Of course it is possible to go completely overboard with the sad music thing and that's when you dye your hair black and wear black clothes and cry all the time and cut yourself and all that. I'm not talking about obsessive levels of dark music listening here.)

Your new song is not depressing, unless you really hate this song, in which case having to listen to it might depress you:

I like this song, myself. Yay cartoons!