Today's video marks the return of Fatboy Slim. Lita's totally running out of ideas! The music video is the director's cut of Bird of Prey which was briefly on The WB. It's six minutes and can be found here at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OT3bu5lAlJk
Hey look, the infamous Daisy commercial! P. Diddy totally stole from LBJ.
Anyway, the video is about a pilot who watches that commercial, then gets into a plane and flies around. Eventually he parachutes and lands on the ground. This is all going on in his head. He ends up back at the tv watching Suzy pick a flower apart.
This video reminds me of the Funk Soul Brothers song in that there are very few lyrics. Mostly Fatty sings about the bird of prey flying high in the summer sky.
After the pilot watches the commercial, he drinks a cup of water next to him. Several edits imply that this is some kind of secret government test. It's used to explain the end of this video. We cut back to the cup several times.
He imagines himself in a hanger and OH NO! That plane is going to impale him! Or, the camera is just zooming in on it. The music starts a minute and a half in. He takes off and flies into the sky. Sadly, whenever I see these kind of planes flying, the first thing I think about is Hot Shots.
Eventually his eye turns red and he starts blowing up houses. Or, he's unblowing up targets. He seems to be going forward while the explosions are going backwards in time. And then missiles go backwards and end up where they were launched. This is mixed with some images of the flag and goverment documents. Are you paranoid yet?
He flies the plane before the sun before he ejects. That plane cost a ton of taxpayer money, ya jerk! He falls towards the ground, and even though I hate heights, skydiving does look like fun. Anyway, (SPOILER ALERT!) it turns out that that was all a fantasy. Some military guys take him away.
The video seems to be about a guy who fantasizes about being allowed to do greater things. Unfortunately for him, he can only fantasize about it. Plus he's bald.
The song is more serious then The Funk Soul Brothers song. The clouds look great, but I never cared for them. These things I listed doesn't make the video bad, but there's one thing that this video lacks that clearly cripples it.
Where's the cute blonde?
Fun fact I learned from wiki: The voice in the song belongs to the late Jim Morrison. Of course, he wasn't late at the time he recorded the vocals. Also, odds are really good that Tork doesn't know who Jim Morrison was.
As I mentioned before, yesterday was the first time I saw the entire video. When they show it on TV (not that that happens often, there are more popular Fatboy Slim songs), they cut it at the pilot rolling around on the ground laughing. The extra footage kind of changes the tone of the video.
If you look at the bombing footage and the plane and various other things, it would appear to be the Vietnam war that this video takes place in. That makes sense with the Jim Morrison vocals.
Ok, new video.
I was going to give you this one:
because it's completely awesome, but then Mickey went ahead and pimped it on his board and also I can't find the New York version, so screw it.
This is your new video:
Lyrics are more important than the actual video on this one.
And watch the other video too, because, like I said, completely awesome.
The word verification is fhrto. Hee hee! "farto"
Fatboy Slim also did the remix of Body Movin...and you guessed it! That's the version of the song in the video! Lita's a fraud!!!! Tell everyone!!!!
Than. THAN!!!!
Word verification: pjmnoah -- Pajama Noah!
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