Sunday, August 10, 2008

Video Game #10: Kid Chameleon

We'll start with the intro before we get to the title screen this time. (I uploaded them out of order and I don't feel like fixing it.)

It is common practice for arcades to let people walk in and play the games there, but ok.

Again, the whole point of video games is to create a reality not our own. Why would I want to play a game exactly like real life? Even the Sims games have absurd elements. As for the holograms, well...
Even your zombies, hobos, office workers, Elvises, prostitutes, Kramers, and Jack Blacks played it!

The Boss? That's a creative boss name.

But if he escaped then he's not in the game, right? And if he's not in the game then how's he capturing kids in the game?



So the dork in the sunglasses is us. If I had to describe this game in one word, that word would be "Marioesque." I think Tork expects me to use more than one word, though, so I'll elaborate.

You run around and jump on guys and you can hit blocks with your head and powerups and stuff come out of the blocks.

Sometimes when you hit a block an ugly hat comes out. Grab the hat and you turn into a guy in a dumb hat and absorb all the powers of the guy. This guy's power is looking stupid and being a fatass. (He can break blocks by jumping on them.)

This guy's power is having a sword.

By the time I got to the third level I was out of time on my timer, but I was curious about what the third costume is, so here it is:

The coolest looking of the three, but his power is to smack stuff with his head... which is kind of already the power of the other guys. The only difference here is he can smack stuff next to him.

I quit here so I can only assume that Kid Chameleon became just another name on The Boss's ever-lengthening victim-list. I'd almost feel sorry for Kid if he hadn't come in all like, "Hey I'm the biggest badass at video games! Check out my attitude! Sunglasses, Man! I'm so tough and in your face!"

Eat it, Kid.

1 comment:

wurwolf said...

The Douchenozzle version of Kid Chameleon looks like Richard Marx.