Friday, August 15, 2008

Video Game #15: Adventures of Tom Sawyer

I think Tork must be pissed off that I didn't like Adventure or something, because there's no way even he could be under the impression that this game is good. Or fun. Or playable. Or interesting.

I mean, if it had even just been bad in an interesting way...

The opening cutscene has Tom Sawyer sleeping in class. Which somehow sets us up for this...

He's walking around outside. And it's purple out there. He just threw a ball but you can't see it.

And there's pipes sticking out of the ground. Has Tom warped to a post-industrialist dystopia where the pollution has colored the sky?

No. He's just on a boat. And there's fat guys trying to knife him.

The worst thing about this game is that Tom can take one hit and then he dies. Then you have to start the whole level over again. And, of course, this game throws all kinds of random garbage at you from the beginning. I took pictures of the random garbage (barrels and seagulls) but they were boring. Like this game.

It takes no time to lose all your lives.

And your post-losing cutscene is... Tom waking up.

I guess it was aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallll a dream.

When he woke up and found he was still in school instead of on that boat he must have been incredibly relieved.

As am I.

1 comment:

Tork said...

I apologize for picking this game. We rented it once and after getting used to the first couple tough levels we got far, maybe to the fifth boss (of six levels). Unfortunately I got in trouble for some school related thing I long forgot about so we turned the game off and I was put on restriction for a while. So I have nostalgia for this game just because we got pretty far in it. I did beat it by emulation but it's been a while.