Saturday, August 9, 2008

Video Game #8: Earthworm Jim

Tork made damn sure to give me terms this time after yesterday's debacle. Here they are:

Your next game is Earthworm Jim. Try to beat the first level in 14 minutes

14 minutes? That's an oddly specific amount of time. Why not round it off to 15? I fully expect him to tell me to beat something in 3 minutes and 47 seconds sometime.

So anyway, Earthworm Jim!

Hey look! A game I've played! That was the SNES version, of course. Tork's got me playing the Genesis version. Still, I remember renting this when I was a kid and playing it all weekend. I don't remember how far I got. At least past Heck, because I remember the boss there. Many years later I downloaded the ROM hoping to bathe myself in nostalgia and discovered one thing I didn't realize when I was a kid:

This is a damn hard game.

It's still great, though. It's all full of humor and beautiful artwork, which is a great combination for a video game.

See? Look at that! That's great.

The plot revolves around Earthworm Jim. He started life as an ordinary lowly earthworm, but then he crawled into a magical spacesuit that came to life and let him run around and do things. Now he's trying to save the world (or maybe just some princess.... I don't remember) from the evil Queen Slug-for-a-butt.

Nobody cares about that. Look! He uses his own head as a whip!

The game is pretty fun, I guess. I'm just not very good at it. It doesn't help that the Genesis doesn't map the buttons the way I would want them mapped. Like I said, though, I suck at this on the SNES, too, so I'm not making that my official excuse. I don't know how I managed to accomplish anything at this when I was a kid.

Heh! Hey, look! It's that dog Rimmi has to babysit!

Heh! One of the most famous gags in video game history. You drop the fridge on the branch here in Level 1...

...And then you have to play most of the rest of the game before you get to see the payoff.

This part is what finished me. All that crap kept landing on my head and I couldn't maneuver Jim well enough to get him to safety and help me progress in the level. I mostly died here.

After losing all my life I noticed that you can change the difficulty and the button mapping in the options. I tried that, but by then I'd gotten used to the crappy default controls... and I'm afraid the easier difficulty didn't help me not get junk dropped on me.

Yeah, Jim. You look like I feel.


Tork said...

Earthworm Jim was one of those video game stars who was huge for a year or so before they disappeared. Same goes for old-timer Bounty Bob and the more Viewtiful Joe. Hopefully he'll make a comeback at some poin.

Tork said...

More recent. Duh.