Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Eleventh Day of Christmas...

Today's gift is another board game. This time it's a game so rare I can't find a picture of it online. It's Don't Flip Me Out! and I got it during the famous Christmas of 88.

This game combines the pieces from Headache with an elimination option from Mouse Trap. The board has eight levers that you attach to the circular main board. The levers can flip up if a marble lands into a slot. I think the rest of the game is basic parcheesi and I forget what happens if you lose a piece to the bucket in the middle.

Don't Flip Me Out was a fun game but I think the levers break easily. It also comes in a big box so it's a pain to store. The marble has to be a certain weight or else it won't flip the lever, something you'll find out as soon as you lose the marble. I wish I could find it and post a small video of it in action.


The Mickey said...

I was thinking I heard of this one and then it turned out I was thinking of Don't Break the Ice, and I was all like oh....well that's different then.


Anonymous said...

Do you happen to have rules? We found our old version of this game but cannot find the rules.

Tork said...

I'm afraid not. I mean, maybe it's in a bin somewhere filled with all kinds of board games, but it's mostly likely lost. I just remember that you rolled dice and either moved your piece or somehow was able to roll a marble.