Friday, December 7, 2007

The Seventh Day of Christmas...

Today's gift is a big one. I got it in the early nineties. It is, of course, a Sega Genesis. I believe I got it the same year we got the big electronic piano.

I'm not going to go into the games I got for it or whether or it was better than the SNES. I will poin out that we got the Genesis that came with Sonic instead of Altered Beast. I will also say for the record that I think we got this before my uncle got a SNES. I may be wrong but I'm sure that's the order.

I will tell an interesting story about how I got this. When Christmas was coming up, I was in a toy store poining out things I wanted. During the time, I had finally got caught up in the TMNT craze. I poined out a big Krang action figure. I already had him in a robot thing, but this toy was the giant body where you place him in the stomach. It was a little pricier than the normal TMNT, so I thought it was a good idea as a Christmas present. Instead, my dead suddenly said that he could get me a Genesis instead. "WHAAAAAAAA?!" was the word that went through my mind as I agreed.

Christmas came around, and we had already opened the rest of our gifts. We had gotten a good haul, including a NES game, so I wasn't complaining about the lack of a big gift. That's how I was caught off guard when they pulled this sucker out. I'm sure I was bug-eyed. If I ever have kids, I can't wait to pull some big gift out of nowhere to see their reaction.

1 comment:

wurwolf said...

Your dead? The horror! THE HORROR!