Monday, December 10, 2007

The Tenth Day of Christmas...

You can have fun guessing at the mindset of a person who buys a board game for their nephew or niece. "I don't know anything about the kids today. How about a board game? Kids love games! But I don't want to buy them something they already have, like Parcheesi, so let me look around." The next two items are rare board games I got as a kid. Today's is Backwards and I got this from my dad's aunt.

Backwards is a game about speaking backwards. It's also about listening to other people talk backwards and guessing what they mean. There's also some movement on a board, with once dice. I've forgotten the rules but players make each other pick cards and say things backwards and stuff. Palidromes are special and you have to yell palidrome. At the end of the game you go to the University to test your backwards speaking skills.

It was an ok game, but probably not meant for kids as young as we were. We would have probably appreciated it more a few years later.

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