Monday, July 6, 2009

Music Video #66 (Day 6 of 2009)

Today's music video is Everything to Everyone by Everclear.

The video takes place entirely in a diamond shape room with blue walls and a checkered floor. It's like being in the oddest insane asylum. The camera rotates around the room throughout the video and we see the band starting up the song. The song itself has a background noise that sounds like the beginning siren to the Atari 2600 Pac-Man repeated often.

The song is entirely in second person. The "you" in question is someone who the singer thinks is making a big mistake with their life. Basically he or she puts themself in a position to be pushed around by all their friends and colleagues. And isntead of doing anything about this, they just let it happen. The singer thinks that the person is just comfortable with the way things are and are too cowardly to change.

In the chorus the singer mentions the title and reinforces that his subject is just trying to be inoffensive instead of assertive. Meanwhile in the video we have a whole cast of characters. Besides the band we have a mean little girl and a mean looking father. We have two nice looking school girls and two naughty ones. The latter look like a couple of Kelly Bundys. There's a business woman, a bearded guy with a barette, an asian guy who argues with mean dad, and other characters. They don't have much in common but they all bounce to the music towards the end.

The song continues and singer tells his friend that they're making more excuses. In this case, the unnamed person thinks that his or her friends actually helped them learn, and singer counters that the friends only want control. Further along in the song singer's final point is that the person in question doesn't learn at all.

I apologize if this entry is too short but I think it's very easy to sum up. The point is obvious, and the video has an insane asylum like theme to show how the person in question is enslaved by their own situation and how crazy it is how they don't change. Of course, since it's a music video it looks like a lot of fun. Good thing the song matches that fun.

The awesome part is the siren background noise. Bet I was going to say the twins, didn't ya?

1 comment:

Lita said...

I listened to the hell out of this album back in 98. It was fantastic.

The awesome thing in this video was all the happy people jumping up and down in unison. I liked that.

New video: