Friday, July 31, 2009

Music Video #90 (Day 30 of 2009)

Our penultimate video of this year is Pretty Fly (For Kadowaki Mai). It is by the band Offspring.

I was shocked when Lita chose this video. I've always thought the original song was stupid. Not just stupid, but aggressively stupid. Not only that, but it knows it's stupid and it rubs that in your face. It tries to convince you that it's telling a joke, and that you can be in on that joke, but it can only end in tears for you.

This song is about a white guy who, get this!, acts like a stereotypical black guy! Can you believe that? Isn't that the nuttiest thing? The white guy is like, "Can I be with you guys?" and the black guy is like, "I don't think so! Black guy don't play that." The black and brown women love white guy, until they have to recognize his paleness, in which they suddenly put him down.

This version gives the song a high pitch, fake Japanese voice, which doesn't change the suckiness in anyway. It's like an In Living Color sketch gone horribly wrong.

We start with...

Ok, so that's not our real video. I'm just seeing what reaction I can get out of Lita if I pretend to do the wrong video. Our real penultimate video is Just Because. This video is done by Jane's Addiction.

That was a fun video with a descent song. Couldn't understand a word the singer said though.

The entire video takes shape on a stage shaped like an orange juicer. It's black and white, which makes it look like it's sparkling like a diamond at times. The song starts and the band starts dancing. I assume this song was made for the ladies with the way they dance and the positions of the camera.

Singer tells his friend or girlfriend that they better watch out. Why? Because lead guitar likes to pretend that his guitar is attached to his body. Boy is he immature! Actually, singer asks whoever when's the last time they did something for themselves just for the heck of it. Friend should have known better. Meanwhile the lights go around like a sprinkler. Singer bends over and looks at us from between his legs. Sure, why not?

Two minutes, thirty seconds into the video we get to the second verse. His friend isn't afraid, but they are unloved. Ouch. Somehow, they aren't hurt either, which is unlikely. Singer doesn't explain what he means when he says that friend should have known. Did I mention that the dome stage looks neat? YEah, let's look at that. Right now the lights are shooting upwards to a point, looking like a movie tower with cartoon lightning bolts signals shooting out of it.

Singer gets on his back and presents himself. Ok, we get it. "You can see my area and everything. Just Because. Just Because." When singer and his friend/girlfriend were young, they used to do drugs, and now they're still the same. Go drugs, go, I guess.

The stage with the many lights is the highlight of this sing. The camera constantly cuts and rotates, which would usually annoy me but it gives this thing some energy. The song is OK even though I don't have a clue what it's about. If it's about steroids, than I may have to change my feelings because I'm sick to death about steroid scandals. Damn ESPN.

The awesome thing is the entire stage. Makes the whole video.

1 comment:

Lita said...

"This version gives the song a high pitch, fake Japanese voice..."

Yeah... That's not a fake Japanese voice. You were bitching so much about all the animes, I gave you a link to this cover of the Offspring song--sung by real live Japanese anime voice actresses. They did a whole album of these. Now you, too, can listen to your favorite anime babes sing Smells like Teen Spirit and Ruby Soho and Basket Case!

Jane's Addiction may or may not be trying to be sexy, but it doesn't work on me. I happen to be aware that Perry Farrell is a crazy person even when he isn't on drugs (which he never is). As for Dave Navarro... Well, whenever I see a nipple ring I have this really horrible urge to just grab it and yank really hard. So it's probably for the best that we are not acquainted.

You were close but not completely correct about the awesome thing in this video. The awesome thing in this video is all the sparkliness--not just that on the stage, but everywhere else, too. This video is very shiny.

Time for your last video for the year:

You can get it small but in higher quality on MTV:
Or larger but fuzzier and with a retarded YouTuber popup on YouTube: