Friday, July 24, 2009

Music Video #83 (Day 23 of 2009)

Yesterday's video is Freedom! 90. It's done by George Michael and is a whopping six and a half minutes long.

Wait, are we talking about the same guy who did Wake Me Up Before blah blah blah? Huh. I knew that name sounded familiar. Ok, now to watch the song.

Oh, geez. Yeah. This is late night on television stuff.

The video starts in a dark kitchen lit from another room. We can see a kettle steaming. As we'll see, this means something, if you know what I mean and I think you do. Pretend I said the last phrase after every paragraph, by the way.

Oh, and the light is blue, of course.

We finally see someone's toes. Naked toes. She picks up a remote and we see that she's blonde. She turns on a cd player, which were still real expensive at the time. Blonde is sitting against the wall, meaning she's feeling lonely. We see George Michael's lips singing. Of course, it could be someone else because everybody in this video mouths the song, even when he's singing to them. There relationship is apparently at a sour point but George is saying that he isn't going to quit if he has anything to say about it. We see him leaning back in a chair and KNEES TOGETHER! he continues singing about how he wants to stay with blonde.

Suddenly a woman bursts through some doors. It's not blonde because blonde is currently elsewhere wearing clothes. Yes, this woman appears to be naked or something due to the lighting. She isn't, but there's nothing that gets you thinking about sex than someone who is teasing you with nudity. The other woman could be a stripper or call girl as far as we can tell.

Blonde is still mopey but in a beautiful way while the other woman is still shaking it. On a side note if Lita was my girlfriend I would have to question if she was setting me up for some nagging later. George recalls his history as a ladies' man. He was young and wanted some, and the girls he was with wanted some too. Together there was presumably a lot of some to go around, but now he's looking for some in particular. He was into big cars and homes but now he wants to play a different game where he gets true happiness. I bet he gets some happiness, if you k...

Other woman appears again, and she's black. Now, the video established the blonde as the girl he wants to be with, so I'm not sure why they introduce this second woman and have her do a sexy dance. Unless that's the whole point. It seems like he's undermining the song but maybe I'm getting a head of everything.

Suddenly there's something blonde should know. Guess what! The song up to now is a lie. He's hiding the fact that he want to break up. Look, the black girl is hot but the blonde is no dog. I hope you know what you're doing. By the way, blonde is portrayed as somewhat chaste and angelic while black girl is in her underwear in normal light. Just pointing that out.

Anyway, blonde walks up to George Michael's closet. Apparently his character's name is Kevin in the video. George sings that all he and blonde has to do is make up some more elaborate lies! Or they could just realize they suck and should break up. That's the point of the song, which is FREEEEEEEDOM! Blonde stares at the clothes until they set on fire. Uh oh, a woman's fury! Run!

As the next verse starts we see George hanging from a device that allows you to lock your ankles on a stick so you can hang downward. I'm not sure what the point of those are, but I bet they were a scam at some time. Probably told people that they could use gravity to make their fat go upwards or something. Or tricked people into thinking they could do ridiculous sit ups like in the movies. Now singer is talking to some buddy about his youthful days where he rose to the top as a member of some band. Those days are over. He even got on MTV. Yeah yeah, MTV was once relevant to music and stuff. Those days are behind him.

Oh my, now we see a woman in the bathtub. It's not blonde or black girl, so I guess it's another woman from George's past? She's naked and she's teasing the camera by rubbing herself in every way she could without revealing anything important. We see a wall with water running out of it. This means something. I'm not saying what, but I have some guesses.

We see another blonde. So, four women now? Maybe I missed out on something by not getting into the music industry. George is still swinging around like a bat wearing shorts. Bathtub girl almost shows us something. I can't believe we didn't see a nipple there. The director knows his stuff about almost showing things but not quite.

We get the chorus again as George sings about freedom. What is freedom? It's random explosions. No, really. We see a juke box blow up several times. This also means something, if you...

We see second blonde (is she really suppose to be the first one?) writhing while we get several quick cuts. Stop, I think we're all teased out at this point. We get a short haired brunette. Yeah, I've lost track of all these women. There's some vague stuff with the brunette and curly haired blonde. Maybe they're holding hands. I can't tell, but I can tell that the blonde just drank a drop of her own blood. No! They both drank the blood! They went there. They totally went there.

Black girl, jealous that other women are stealing the video, goes back to teasing us behind shadows. George sings about how it sucks that he has to go to another photo shoot. Yeah, I bet he also has to go on another date with a hot supermodel than have sex on a pile of money. Damn, I'm glad I just have my happiness and a blog. Anyway, George is so hot that stuff happen and one thing leads to another. Someone bitter about paying child support? George blames his lover. Or band mate. I can't tell.

This is followed by the last time the chorus is used, and we see quick cuts of all the women trying to upstage each other with their sexiness. One woman even Sharon Stones us, but it's lit so you can't see anything. Another woman pulls up her shirt and it's lit in a way that you think you see her breasts but it's actually her face popping out. Yeah. I'm not sure how she pulled that one off.

All the women dance about freedom as random instruments now explode. Finally the kettle goes off and it turns out it was all the blonde's dreams. Way to end the video!

This song is either about a guy who is admitting to his gal that it's over or whining to his fellow band member that he hates his life as a rocker. I think it's the latter by the lyrics but the video suggests the former.

This song is ok but I have to say that I can't relate to it. I mean, do you see me complaining about having sex with hot babes and living in my mansions? Maybe the hot women in the video are a distraction.

With all the sex in this video, I'm glad that George's hands stayed put when he slides down.

The awesome part of this video is black girl dancing in the shadows.


Lita said...

Tork, remember that this is George Michael. He is not singing love songs to any of the women in this video. I can assure you of this.

The women in this video are actually supermodels. Big names at the time, at that. Some are still big names now. The girl in the tub that disturbed you so? Cindy Motherfucking Crawford. The black girl was Naomi Campbell. Also making appearances were Christy Turlington, Linda Evangelista and Tatjana Patitz.

This isn't a song about breaking up with a girl. At the time, George Michael was trying to reinvent his image after having success in the 80's in Wham and some stuff he did on his own. The various objects that ignite in the video (the jukebox, the leather jacket and the guitar) are symbols of his past persona that he wanted to leave behind. The song is about his dissatisfaction with the image he had and his desire to move on to something new.

Some people also think it's about the realities of being a closeted homosexual. I guess I can see hints of that if I really push hard, but the image thing is a much more straightforward explanation.

The awesome thing in this video should be obvious to anybody who is not Tork.

You know, Tork, it happens every year. I decide to throw you a bone (har) by giving you a video with one or more pretty girls and you're all like, "EWWWW!!!! GIRLS WITH COOTIES!!!" I mean... I gave you Cindy Crawford in a bathtub and you didn't like the video?

Here. Maybe this will be more up your alley:

wurwolf said...

Torrk hates women.

wurwolf said...

Oh, and life.