Monday, July 27, 2009

This Week In Entertainment (7/27/09)

My Pick of the Week is episode one of Tales Of Monkey Island: The Screaming Narwhal. It's been out for PC for a few weeks but now it's available for WiiWare. It's 1000 Wii Points.

Also out yesterday was Wii Sports Resorts. This is the follow up to Wii Sports and allows you to play with the new Motion Plus. Please Nintendo, don't let the Motion Plus go to waste.

In theaters we have a dreadful looking kids movie called Aliens in the Attic. I bet the people behind Spy Kids made it.

On DVD is the entire Battlestar Galactica relaunch. Enjoy four seasons of shakey cam.

Also on DVD is a Green Lantern movie. Enjoy a movie about a guy who's all-powerful unless he gets attacked by a color.

On the Nintendo DS is The Humans. This is a Lemmings like game where you have to control cavemen to get them all to an exit. I remember this being heavily advertised in game magazines back when it was released for consoles like the Jaguar.


The Mickey said...

The Alien in the Attic looks like Gollum and Crazy Frog had a baby.

wurwolf said...

I can normally get behind kids movies (except JoBro) but I HATED Spy Kids. Thought it was horribly boring. So to hear that the Spy Kids people did a new movie doesn't fill me with excitement in any way shape or form.