Friday, July 17, 2009

The Bumblefudge Legacy: Generation 1: Chapter 1

Welcome back! And look up there! We've FINALLY gotten out of Generation 0 and have begun our journey in the much fresher and nicer Generation 1! Hooray!!!

wurwolf is spending her first day as an adult by going out and looking for rocks. Jebidiah had this collection helper thingummy that he got as a lifetime reward thing but he never had a use for it. wurwolf has a use for it, so she's using it now!

You tell the collection helper which collection you're looking to complete (say rocks, or insects, or seeds) and not only does it point out where the objects are on the overhead map, it also makes them all shiny in Sim view. Without Jeb's thing finder, wurwolf would have never found this spot with its bajillion rocks.

So wurwolf spends the whole day wandering around and picking up rocks. She's going to make so much money from this venture, especially after she refines and improves each gem and mineral she finds. She doesn't even need this money. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with all this crap she's picked up, but I'm not sold on selling it.

She comes home to find that her mother has invited Fabio over. They have a nice family meal together.

Fabio wants to chat. wurwolf the flirt is getting other ideas. It's late, though, so Fabio leaves before anything can happen.

For some reason, Angie thinks it's cool to come upstairs and do her homework in wurwolf's room. I never told her that was ok, and I know wurwolf didn't.

wurwolf's already laying groundwork with the current manmaid.

She's got this logic skilling want she's been hanging on to for a long time. Killing two birds with one stone here, I guess.

Manmaid doesn't have a horrible eye injury. That's just one of this game's creepy shadows.

It's birthday time! Angie is just the type of Sim who will age up in such a way that the only way to photograph it is at a lousy angle.

"Hmph. It's the MySpace angle."

Only if you look up at the camera.


Then it's the Angie's A Bitch angle.

"WOOO!!!! We're THAT much closer to kicking her can out of here!!"

It's the very same night and it's Sally's birthday, too. She doesn't look too pleased with her new look. :o(

I give her her red hair back (though with some grey) because she's not really an OLD elder yet. She looks better, but still... sigh.

wurwolf's gone fishing.

Sally finally completes her lifetime aspiration by reaching the top of the culinary career. This career path gives you a reward for reaching the top in the form of this awesome fridge. I've heard food never goes bad in this thing. That's great!

Something's not quite right though...

There! Now it all matches! I don't know what that crap is on the side of the dishwasher, though. It looks bizarre. At first I thought it was Sally's reflection or something, but she moved and it stayed.

"So... like, have you seen how wurwolf dresses? She has no taste. I don't know why you would want to even talk to her."

"Look here, Missy, wurwolf is a lovely young lady and you of all people have no business criticizing anybody's clothing choices."

Yep. I checked the action queue. Angie really did come out here, dressed like that, to criticize wurwolf's clothing to Fabio.

And Fabio found Angie to be rude.

He likes wurwolf way better than he likes Angie.

And wurwolf seems to like Fabio as well. Not a shock. She's been interested in him since she was a teenager.

Since this is wurwolf's first time and all, I'm going to give her a little privacy. It's too dark to get a good picture anyway. See you!

Take care.


Tork said...

Is it me or does the first picture look like she just entered a golf course and golf balls are raining down on her?

That poor chess guy. His eye is bleeding like Le Chiffre in Casino Royale.

wurwolf said...

Oh gross. Fabio is my baby's father??? I think I may puke.