Sunday, July 19, 2009

Music Video #79 (Day 19 of 2009)

Today's video is called Peter Bazooka. It's done by the Dead Milkmen.

This video is about paranoia and stalking. Those are the kind of thing that I'm allNOTabout.

We start with some guy. He looks familiar but I'm probably thinking of somebody else. He wears a bowler hat and has a big beard. The song starts, and by song I mean one of those songs that is mostly talking with some song bits. Our hero tells us that he was walking by a topless bar when he saw a congressman exit. Actually, it most likely wasn't a congressman but the guy wore a suit, so our hero is suspicious. He decides to follow, using the ol' "I pay that guy's salary!" excuse. They get into a taxi chase. Taxi chases is one of the weirder movie cliches.

Our protagonist tells us that he hears a little song in his head. It's the only song that we get in this video, and it's our refrain. Our hero sings that he believes that he can hear anything by putting his ear to the wall. Did I say hero? I meant nosy, deluded creep. Meanwhile he shows us his toy lizard. Or lizard gun. I can't tell.

He tells the driver - who wears a turban naturally - to FOLLOW THAT CAB! Driver laughs until he sees the toy lizard. I guess it is a gun. I hope it is. Maybe it's a lighter or a squirt gun. Our POV character fibs that he's a government agent. Yes, government agents point a lizard in your face instead of showing ID. (Actually, how would I know?) He's really a bike courier, but that's good enough for him to be a patriot!

We hear the refrain again as he walks around with the flag wrapped around him. Hey! Only Rocky gets to do that. Next he spins a yarn about how there's a big, WACKY government project about cheese. Driver buys into this, but only because he's terrified and wants to get out of this situation alive. Our super secret agent has to toss money at the driver because the driver is so freaked.

Anyway, we're now at the whatever building that the congressman guy drove to. More refrain, as we see the main guy holding a cat. Awwwww, but you're still a weirdo. Yeah, scratch him! Huh, it turns out that the building congressman went into has everything that crazy guy imagined. Well, there you go. We end with close ups of the band members and congressman. We never find out why congressman had a bloodied nose.

This video is an interesting change of pace. It's crazy enough to be carried by it's silliness. It's not much of a song but that's not the point anyway. The moral of the story is to be paranoid and suspicious of everybody.

The awesome part is the cat jumping around in the void.


Lita said...

The congressman's bloody nose makes more sense when you remember that he's not a congressman so much as some random dude coming out of a strip club.

Interesting that you think our protagonist found proof of all his ravings in the warehouse. I imagine this story having a very different ending.

We've been a little dark lately. Here's something lighter:

wurwolf said...

I that Torrk's moral is to be paranoid and suspicious of everybody. Aren't you already, Torrk?