Friday, July 3, 2009

The Bumblefudge Legacy: Generation 0: Chapter 7

Aaaaaand I'm back!

When last we spoke we witnessed a tiny little burrito baby emerge from her cocoon as a beautiful smushy-faced toddler.

Toddlers need more room than babies do, so I expanded the nursery to make room. wurwolf's room is now bigger than the master bedroom. I'll probably do something about this some day, but maybe not. Sims don't get jealous about things like that.

The main thing you're supposed to do with toddlers is teach them the three key toddler skills: potty training, talking, and walking. Only one of these skills is actually useful and you're looking at it. It's important to potty train your toddler asap or else you will be required to place the baby on the potty every time it wants to poop. Or you can just let it poop in its pants, but then you have to clean that up.

Potty training takes forever. It's annoying.

Now, not everybody thinks Toddler wurwolf is as cute as I do. Words like "Meatloaf" and "Shrek" have been thrown around.

I think she has more of a Sally Field quality, myself, but even if you disagree, it's no big deal. Toddler Sims haven't quite grown into their faces yet, and you won't really get a good idea of what they'll look like until they're teenagers.

I almost never have Sims read to babies, but I did this time. It's cute!

We're finally making enough money that we can afford to hire a maid! This one looks like she's wondering what the hell is up with this getup the game put her in.

The game announced that wurwolf has learned all she can from blocks, so I bought her a Xylophone. Toddler skill toys are neat because when the kid gets older they'll get a little boost to their skills. Hooray!

Sally is at work now that her Game Required Totally Unfair Maternity Leave is finally over. Witness the first time Jeb has ever met his daughter. For reals.

While he's here, I have him help wurwolf with the potty training that she STILL hasn't finished. He is able to complete the job that Sally just couldn't.

And now it's time for Jebidiah to go to work! This was a little scary, since Sally wasn't back yet, and in previous games if you left your below-teenaged child alone for an instant the Social Worker would swoop in like some sort of horrible demon on her horrid leathery wings and steal your child away.

I hired a babysitter, but will the sitter show up in time???

Is this albino boy the babysitter? He sure doesn't look much like a social worker. Maybe a little bit like a child molester. I hope he's just the babysitter.

Oh, good. He's putting wurwolf into the crib instead of taking her out of it and removing her from the lot. I'm so relieved.

And here's the second skill to learn. Talking.

"Can you say nachos? Say nachos!"

"Tortilla chips and salsa."

"No, honey, say it like this: Na-chose. Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaachoooos"

"How about band-aid. Can you say band-aid?"


Nachos and band-aids. It's like I'm teaching the kid myself. I don't know if this skill is actually useful or not. In theory it would allow your toddler to hold a conversation with her parents, but who cares? I never tell my Sims to talk to their toddlers anyway.

The third skill, walking, is not only not useful in any way, but it actually has negative usefulness. A walking toddler is significantly slower than a crawling toddler because a crawling toddler doesn't fall on her ass all the time. I never teach my toddlers to walk and that is why I never get to pick the trait toddlers get when they age up to children.

wurwolf learned all she could from her xylophone, so I got her this neat turtle shaped block holder thing-- hey, who are you?

Even the turtle looks perplexed.

Seriously, I'm just sitting here trying to take a cute picture of a toddler pulling herself up onto her turtle table and this random creepy dude just wandered into the shot. I have no idea who he is. Who is this guy??

Well... he just emptied wurwolf's potty, so either he's here filling in for our sassy black maid, or he's just some weirdo who likes stealing baby poop.

Check it out. Sally is having the same reaction to this guy that I am.

It's Jebidiah's birthday! Just like a man, he's got to age up in front of the john. I can't get a good shot in such a tight space.

No. This will not be your look. You are visiting the mirror and the chest of drawers.

This is... better, I guess. His clothes aren't so stupid and I put a little grey in his hair to show he's getting older, but he doesn't have to walk around completely silver haired. He still looks very much like an elder Sim (sigh... poor Sal is still a young adult), but it's not quite such a big jump.

He's looking a little sinister here, but I think that's just how male elder Sims look.

It's birthday day today, because wurwolf's aging up, too!

Throw some confetti around and....


Don't worry about this outfit, it's just wurwolf's PJ's.

Since I didn't teach her to walk, the game picked a trait for her. The game declared wurwolf to be a computer whiz. Whatever, game.

That's it for now! See you next time!

1 comment:

Tork said...

More Sally stink face.