Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Bumblefudge Legacy: Generation 1: Part 2

We're back! And it's morning!

The lovebirds are still at it. I think Fabio just got a mouthful of wurwolf's lunch.

"By the way, my name isn't really Fabio, it's--

It doesn't matter.


You choose the Fabio hair, you get the Fabio name.

Angie clomps up into wurwolf's room just to call her a fattie. That is so rude. And not even true. I do like the little sheepie nightie wurwolf's been wearing, though.

So wurwolf's been a grownup for a few days now, but I still haven't gotten her into a career track yet. I just couldn't think of one that fit her. I got one for her now, though!

wuwolf will be a writer.

Right now wurwolf is practicing her writing (I bet she's on an RP forum right now) so that she doesn't embarass herself with her first book attempt. Everybody's familiar with the silly girl who writes a thousand page novel about the prettiest perfectest girl ever (who just happens to have the same name as the author) who meets the handsomest man ever and they sit and talk for the whole book or something lame like that.

This will not happen to wurwolf.

Once she gets a skill point or two, I get wurwolf started on an actual book. I get to choose the genre and I choose "Trashy." I think RL wurwolf would appreciate that her Sim counterpart will write trashy novels exclusively-- at least until she unlocks the ability to write romance novels.

"Honey, is it just my imagination, or have you caught your sister's case of The Fatness?"


"Oh, my! I felt a rumble! Do you have gas?"


Hey! Look who it is! It's the return of Jebidiah!

Ghosts are a little different in this game than they were in Sims 2, the best difference being that you can interact with them directly. You can even build relationships with them and have kids with them if you play your cards right.

Sally is just happy to see her husband again.

"Hey, Ghost Dad, I know it's your first night out and all, but could you stop with the chair floating stuff until I'm done eating? Thanks."

"Like you can't afford to miss a couple of meals. Is all that money I made in life even enough to feed you?"

"I... I'm going to go get a massage."

A couple of hours later, wurwolf comes out of the beauty spa and suddenly feels that something isn't right.

Bill Murray looks on with mild interest at the fat lady grabbing her belly and yelling.

"I am soooooooooooooooooo hungry!!!!"

wurwolf, you are not improving your own image any here.

That night wurwolf gets up and starts yelling again. Yeah, wurwolf. The fridge is where you left it... an hour ago...

"No!!! It's not that!!! It's... I think I better go to the hospital!!!"

Suit yourself.

2:00 a.m. rolls around and wurwolf returns home with a little black baby. Wow! Who could have known??

"I bet you did. Jerk."

Oh, it's not that bad.

"My life will never be the same."

Like it was that great to begin with.

wurwolf names her new son after our friend Band of Gypsies. RL BOG is a hardcore Classic Rock Motherfucker and also has a strong artistic streak, so picking his first two traits is a sinch.

Time for Baby BOG to go to sleep, and we'll stop here as well. Good night! See you next time!

Take care.


Tork said...

HAW! wurwolf got pregnant after her first time!

wurwolf said...

Yeah well, I've had sex with WOMEN, Torrk!

Once she gets a skill point or two, I get wurwolf started on an actual book. I get to choose the genre and I choose "Trashy." I think RL wurwolf would appreciate that her Sim counterpart will write trashy novels exclusively-- at least until she unlocks the ability to write romance novels.

This is so true. You could not have picked a better profession for me. Thanks!