Saturday, July 18, 2009

Music Video #78 (Day 18 of 2009)

Tonight's video marks the return of the White Stripes. This video is called The Denial Twist.

This video takes place presumbably around sets of Conan O'Brien's show. He is currently introducing them to his show. He is also short and flat. Actually, it looks like they put a cardboard Conan head on some random guy. Meg and Jack come on stage. Jack starts singing that kissing isn't all about the lips. Whoa, mind blown. Also if you think that dancing is all about the hips, eh, do the twist. Suddenly a foot steps on Jacks' piano. Insert Monty Python joke here.

The song shifts tone a bit and Jack and Meg abandon their instruments. This means that Meg gets very little to do for the rest of the video. It's mostly Jack's show. The couple leave their current stage to walk to the couches next to Conan's desk. They now look a bit squished. Some guy hands Meg a dreidel that looks like Conan's head which she passes to Conan. He pretends to like it but walks away. Conan looks even more squished and his feet look like kleenex boxes. Jack tells us that folding your hands isn't about your fingers. You say so. He also tells us never to do it with a singer because they'll run to tell all their friends. How did we get to that topic!?

Conan walks away from such a filthy line. Jack tells us that he was thinking about the girl. Hey everybody, he has a GIRLFRIEND! Jack gets to the poin, in that people get hurt in love and they may walk out of a relationship. Instead a guy shouldn't make too much out of a fickle girlfriend and try to stay calm. All you have to do is take a different role, and by that, he means not wimp. Jack uses his cane to yank Meg into the hallway. Did I mention that she has very little to do in this video?

They get into an elevator. It looks like they duck into it but the screen unsquashes a bit so it's normal size. This leads them out of a tiny revolving door where they walk by midget reporters. The whole video has a circus feel. Jack tells us that your hypothetical girlfriend will totally start rocking some boat. I'm not sure what that means, but I can guess.

They get into a tiny red car. He sings about how the hypothetical guy is now a complete fool who is pushed around and can't say what he wants to say. It just occurred to me what the name of this song is. This song is about a guy who's being cheated on. It isn't his boat Jack is singing about. Poor dope. The two go to a trick room where one side is much smaller than the other, yet looks normal if you look at it from one side. They turn on the TV and see the beginning of the video. Meg steps on the TV which causes the piano destruction from earlier. So I guess she does have one thing to do. Maybe this was her revenge. Meg than turns to the right to exit and gets a hump on her back as she leaves. Even when she gets her revenge she can't catch a break.

Oh, she's just inviting Conan in. They watch the earlier part of the video and Conan complains about the dreidel. Jack finishes his song about the poor guy who is in denial.

The song is obvious now. Jack is mocking a guy who isn't getting out of a bad relationship. The video has a very carnival feel with the various effects that make White Stripes look like they're in front of trick mirrors. They also walk around midgets, get into a "clown" car, and Jack has a cane to yank people with. The song is ok, although I find it hard to understand Jack's singing. I'm not sure why they put Conan in this video other than they could.

The awesome part is when they end the video and show that everything is normal. The camera just has to circle around from set to set.

1 comment:

Lita said...

"This means that Meg gets very little to do for the rest of the video. It's mostly Jack's show."

Add some rumors of incest and this pretty much sums up the story of the White Stripes. Every music video or interview I've seen them in, it's mainly Jack doing the talking or the singing or whatever while Meg sits nearby and smiles pleasantly. She kind of reminds me of M&TB's description of Peaches in Racket Girls, "She's a pleasant kind of stupid." Actually, Meg could be president of MENSA, for all I know about her. I've just never gotten that impression. She seems nice enough, though, bless her little heart.

The awesome thing is all the pulling and squishing visual effects.

I like your next song. Only God knows why.