Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Bumblefudge Legacy: Generation 0: Chapter 8

Kid's not a toddler anymore, so time to do some redecorating.

wurwolf gets a big girl bed! I also added a baby nook for the benefit of future babies. More about that when it becomes relevant.

One nice thing about wurwolf being a kid? She can get her own damned food out of the fridge. Hooray! She still can't cook her own food, but it's a big improvement nonetheless.

Time for her first day of school! I think her shirt is adorable.

After school, wurwolf is invited to go to a friend's house. The house is taking a million years to load, so you get to observe that effect you get when the game loads objects faster than textures. Lots of white furniture!

The girl with the terrible roots is named Bree and wurwolf has decided to be her BFF. The house is still suffering from Fright White Syndrome.

After hanging out at Bree's, wurwolf wants to go fishing. I let her, even though it's getting late. I forgot she had homework to do.

"Hey, Mom. Why are you looking at me like that?"

"It's my birthday!! Did you forget?? It's my birthday!"

"Oh. Happy birthday. Well, anyway, Mom, I have some homework to do, so if you could just--"


"That's great, Mom, but you see I need to do my homework and it's getting late and you're kind of blocking the--"


"Mom, if you could just move--"

"I'm aging up!!! Watch my transformation!!"


"You look exactly the same..."

"I'm an adult now instead of a young adult!"

"Yeah... ok. I'm just going to forget about the homework and go to bed."

What's this? It's a new man maid to replace that fat creepy dude from the last update! Gotta say he's a huge improvement.

Sally agrees. She and Fabio have a lengthy conversation out on the porch. It only ends when she has to leave for work.

wurwolf loves Bree. She doesn't care about the bad dye job. And Bree doesn't care that wurwolf kind of smells.

It's the weekend and wurwolf has wants to do lots of outdoorsy stuff, so I get her to hop on her bike and pedal to a local park.

It's a nice place and there's lots of bugs to catch. wurwolf does love the bug catching.

Daaaaaaawwwww. :o3

After grabbing representatives of all the bugs on the lot, wurwolf spends the better part of the rest of the day fishing. She's not very good at it and doesn't manage to catch anything, but she is able to start building some skill. Next time she fishes she should do better.

Back at home, wurwolf plays with her blocks and thinks about how nice her life is turning out. She is content.

She doesn't know that things around here are about to change.

1 comment:

Tork said...

Why did a thief break in just to throw up in the toilet?