Saturday, July 18, 2009

Music Video #77 (Day 17 of 2009)

Yesterday's music video is Move Your Feet by Junior Senior. Hopefully we'll catch up on these videos today.

This video uses fake 8-bit graphics throughout. We start in a field with trees in the background and a butt on the ground. A squirrel walks up to it and cracks it with a hammer. Disgusting! Except it turns out to be a peanut. Inside the peanut is man and a kid. The kid flips us off a few times. The kids these days! The kid is Junior and the adult is Senior. So they're a father/son band? Probably not. The song starts and Junior tells all of us to dance and be united. Pfft, don't tell me what to do! I do what I want!

The squirrel rings a couple bells. A hot dog that looks like Marzipan is squirted by happy mustard and ketchup bottles. Having fun yet? Senior, I think, starts singing. He tells us not to stop the beat and stuff like that. We see someone twisting their legs as they dance. See, that's what happens when you can't stop the beat. Shame on you, Senior, for not realizing that. The squirrel is now riding a car and knocks over some Ghost and Goblin like zombies before avoiding a traffic accident by using extendo wheels. I want a car with extendo wheels even if I don't need them. Junior and Senior bug a horse and squirrel uses it to jump over a ramp of cars. I can't watch the end of that scene.

Junior once again tells us to feel united. We see a little kid flash us the devil gesture. Jerk! This is followed by OH THAT POOR THING! Stupid squirrel. Next we see naked cheerleaders, as if that makes up for the cruelty we just saw. Next we see a robot dancing and singing about how his song will make life's troubles go away. Then the squirrel breaks it with a hammer. Damn, what is it with squirrels?

Then...What the? Our duo starts taking their clothes off and encourages us to "Get Naked." You first, gals who read my blog! We see some happy toast from earlier now sad and on fire. I bet the squirrel set fire to the toaster. We next see disrobed Junior and Senior taking their cartoon heads off, revealing what I assume is a more accurate version of their real ones. They go to a spa and get back rubs and such. The squirrel replaces an back rubbing oil with chili powder, because squirrels are evil. At least we find out that the horse wasn't shot for some reason. But enough of that, the squirrel is now blowing up everybody in the video. Damn. I hope I never run over any squirrels. The squirrel finally blows up Earth, and spins away like he's Darth Vader at the end of A New Hope. I hate that thing.

I learned that squirrels are irredeemable creatures that will hurt you and all your loved ones.

This song is a change of pace. It's just a fun dance song with a great video. I've seen the picture of Junior flashing the horn of the devil somewhere so now I know where that comes from.

The awesome part is when the extendo car avoids the SimCity traffic.


Lita said...

The awesome thing is the art. The song is fun too. I was chair dancing the whole time I was trying to find a decent version to give you.

New song:

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